The Color Purple by Alice Walker | Teen Ink

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

November 7, 2016
By sade..zupan BRONZE, Midvale, Utah
sade..zupan BRONZE, Midvale, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Readers will never stray or get bored while reading "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker. The book is about a women suffering from very bad past of sexual and physical abuse, she is an African- American women named Celie living in the south who has had many troubles in life. Growing up with an abusive father, things only get harder when Celie is married off to a young wealthy man who is no better when it comes to abuse. She is left taking care of him and his reckless children waiting to be united with her sister in Africa. I really liked the way this book showed the perspective of someone who was often not listened to for example the way Celie expresses herself throughout the book. Celie is a strong, caring person who you can learn more about in the book. I suggest this book to anyone who enjoys reading books with strong-female leads.

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