Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury | Teen Ink

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

September 9, 2016
By EmilyHoang SILVER, Pelham, Alabama
EmilyHoang SILVER, Pelham, Alabama
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Dear Ray Bradbury,

I appreciate all the hard work you put in your books. They are all captivating and stimulating. Fahrenheit 451 is the book that changes my life in a whole different way. Fahrenheit 451 changed my perspective in the way I live in today’s society. I look at things more deeply and thoughtfully. I am thinking about how our two worlds are diverse from the book and my generation. People are programmed to do the same thing every day. Like waking up, brushing your teeth, going to school/work, and etc.  People having their own cliques, associating with the people they are supposed to associate with, and eating the same meal every day. I feel like we are blessed to be living in today’s world and not appreciating as we should. We take things for granted and do things we shouldn’t. If we were to switch lives from the people in Fahrenheit 451 we would be unoriginal and can’t express our true feelings and ourselves. Reading your book capture my attention about how we should live our life. Living our life should be meaningful and do everything for the right reason. All we care about is how we dress, where we eat, playing sports, who we hang out with, and everything that is not school or work related because we are teenagers. We should care about our education and work because that helps us in the future and our family one day. Some people out there in the world don’t even have shelter, food, or the things we have today. All we do is complain about things but don’t actually try to put in the effort.  We give up and we don’t fight for what we want, but sometimes we do. The characters in your book are intruding and brave. If they feel something is right they feel the need to make it right. In today’s society is the total opposite but can also be similar. We like to match our friends or buy the new clothes that’s trending, but all we do is wasting money. We all want expensive brands. If you really think about it, it doesn’t matter about the brand. It is made similar but different material, different brand, and different price. We should be thankful that we can wear whatever we want to wear and have enough money to buy new stuff. We should be useful with our money and spend on things we actually need but not want. Needing and wanting is two different things we get mixed up. Some people don’t even have clothes to wear and we are spending it like we need new clothes every week. Your book changed the way I view life. It made me think about the world in a whole new perspective. I am trying to appreciate the world more and every time I do something right or wrong, I reflect back to your book. Thank you for writing a book that’s meaningful but also charismatic.



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