Angela's Ashes | Teen Ink

Angela's Ashes

March 12, 2009
By vampiregrl SILVER, Springvalley, Illinois
vampiregrl SILVER, Springvalley, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Angela's Ashes is an eye opening memoir by Frank McCourt which makes you think about poverty stricken Ireland compared to America today. Angela's Ashes takes place in 1930s and1940s Limerick, Ireland. This book travels through McCourt's childhood when he learns lessons about love, death, and self-control.

Frank McCourt does a wonderful job with imagery. As I read I could see and picture everything he writes, every little detail. In the novel, the characters inspire love or hate but almost never anything in between. I found myself falling in love with Frank and hating his father with a passion. I felt as if I knew all of the characters personally. It's easy to identify them with people you know, whether it is a nagging grandmother or an angry aunt.

I found Frank McCourt's attitude in general to be hilariously depressive. Even through all the bad things that happen to him he finds a way to make you laugh. In general, really liked the book. I found myself paying more attention to the background stories through- out the middle of the book because it slows down quite a bit, a dry spot you could say. I found myself pushing through it to get to the next part- and it paid off. If you like memoirs, Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes is the book for you.


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