Looking For Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking For Alaska by John Green

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

“It’s very beautiful over there.” Those were Thomas Edison’s last words according to Pudge. One thing I loved about this book is that Pudge could remember every one’s last words. It gives him a unique gift. Pudge is a boy who goes to Culver Creek Boarding School in hot and humid Alabama. He gets into some crazy and fun adventures, as he falls for the stunning and funny Alaska Young.  He gets his heart broken as well on his journey, he makes some good friends, the Colonel and Takumi. This group of friends will make you wish you had friends like them.
Looking for Alaska is by far one of the best books I’ve ever read. It has a sense of humor, some romance, and excitement. I think teens and young adult would find this a really great read, just because teens can relate to the characters, and how they want to do and try crazy things. Alaska is one of the main characters, she is kind of wild, but she is one of the best things that has  ever happened to Pudge.  Pudge is introverted and kind of dorky, but he has a good heart, and is always there for his friends.

The way John Green wrote the book and how he described the characters, he makes you feel like you are there while you are reading. It gives him a unique gift or feel about him.

“Why do you smoke so goddamn fast? You guys smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die.” This quote is saying how Alaska smokes because she doesn’t want to be here anymore and is just passing her time. I love this quote. I feel like most teens and young adults can relate. We grow up in a sad and depressing times. We get so depressed and want to have it over, so a lot of us kids do drugs or drink or other things to get rid of our pain. Alaska smokes to get rid of hers.

I highly recommend Looking for Alaska. It relates to young people so well and how life is and it has a sense of humor and romance and excitement. It is definitely a must read.

John Green is one of my favorite authors and he writes some excellent books, Paper Towns, Fault in our Stars, and An Abundance of Katherine. These are all such great books for teens and young adults to read.

The author's comments:

I attend Salem HIlls High school

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