Shattering Glass by Gail Giles | Teen Ink

Shattering Glass by Gail Giles

May 25, 2016
By Mistyrain24 BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Mistyrain24 BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
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Gail Giles’s Shattering Glass is a horrible story about about an unrealistic high school tragedy. The writing in this story was very interesting and well thought out, but the story in itself was not relatable. The details could have been added on to build on to why the loner in this book had no friends. Some of the details in this book were fuzzy and could have been explained in a better way. Otherwise this story was not boring, but an interesting tale of a troubled friend group that unfolds.

This fictional book is about a popular teenager named Rob who decides to make it his goal to help out the schools biggest nerd. With his friends help, Rob tries to make Simon Glass go from bottom all the way up to the top. Everything seems to work out the way it should until Simon starts to seem rebellious. In an effort to make all of his plans turn out, Rob becomes even more questionable as to what he is hiding. Leading to violence and even death,  Shattering Glass runs into an intense climax that is unexpected to how events happened and what could have happened if Simon Glass never started to be independent and confident.

The part about this book that I personally enjoyed the best was the beginning of each of the chapters. There is an intro that slowly starts to explain what happened. It has different character speak at different times to add onto the ending of the book. For me, this was the best part because it still kept you wondering more.

If you like a book that contains mystery, murder, and even some romance, I think you should read this book. Shattering Glass is one story that will take you all around in your emotions and make you hungry to turn more pages. This nonstop page turner is one of a kind.


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