Shattering Glass by Gail Giles | Teen Ink

Shattering Glass by Gail Giles

May 25, 2016
By JasonMishler BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
JasonMishler BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shattering Glass, a novel by Gail Giles, is a book about Simon Glass, and about how he is the most mistreated kid at BVale high school. Being fat and a nerd, he is at the bottom of the popularity food chain. And Rob, the most popular guy at the school, with the ability to change anyone’s mind with his charm and the quick flash of a smile, can flip this overweight, nerdy, antisocial kid’s life upside down for the better.


Simon, being treated the way he is, terrorized day-by-day by the popular and royal to the school, is easy to hate. He has been treated this way forever and has never been given a chance. But then Rob and his group of buddies composed of Young, Coop, and Bob, have decorated a plan to change Simon. Within a few months, Simon is being accepted by everyone except the ones that brought him to that point. As time passes, things become edgey, secrets are begin to be revealed, and people aren’t who they say they are and become hostile. Things boil over, and something unexpected happens.

My personal favorite part of the novel is the ending. The elegance of the words that the author uses describes every little part of the situation with extreme depth with every syllable. All of the anticipation and hype that has been built throughout the story feels, at that point, as of it was a 10 pound dumbbell resting in your mind. The author does an incredible job at describing the characters thoughts and actions to the point where it seems like it is all unfolding in front of you.

This book carries an extremely heavy dose of anticipation to where it is hard to put down. I actually spent the entire block of my Contemporary Literature class reading it in secret. This book is full of deceit, secrets, lies, and betrayal. If you enjoy reading books about a mystery and are up for a chilling read, check out Shattering Glass by Gail Giles.

The author's comments:

I play hockey.

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