Shattering Glass by Gail Giles | Teen Ink

Shattering Glass by Gail Giles

May 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Shattering Glass, by Gail Giles, is an amazing piece of contemporary literature. This book is about an overweight, clumsy, and extremely nerdy Simon Glass. Everyone is mean to him, until the one and only Rob Haynes steps into the picture. Rob’s mastermind plan is to turn Simon from zero to hero.

This book has multiple aspects that make it enjoyable. It has humor mixed into the dialogue, and that always steers you away from the suspenseful base of the story. It always seems to keep you sitting on the edge of your seat, waiting and wondering what is going to happen next. The disturbing and suspenseful storyline make this book easy to follow, and always keeps it interesting.

Personally, my favorite part of the book is when Simon and Rob first meet. The author shows us a very vivid picture about how awkward and out of place the interaction was. He uses very descriptive words, and is almost in the head of a teenage boy in this situation.

This book is, most definitely,  a must read. I personally believe this book is more directed towards teenage males, but it can be enjoyed by everyone. This book is very easy to follow, and it is very easy to connect to. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a very suspenseful and enjoyable book.

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