You Had Me At Woof by Kael Meersman | Teen Ink

You Had Me At Woof by Kael Meersman

May 26, 2016
By SnailKael BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
SnailKael BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You Had Me At Woof is a book I read early last year. It’s my all time favorite book. It’s the first book that has made me legitimately cry. It’s a lady telling stories about her Boston Terriers (which is the breed of dog I have).

My sister told me to read it for me forever but I never read it because whenever I read about dogs they end up dying and I can’t handle it mentally. First of all that’s an actual picture of one of the dogs on the cover. I mean look at that face and tell me it’s not cute!

I don’t remember much from the book other than the parts that made me cry. I only remember one of the dogs names and that's the one on the cover, Otto. He is so cute I wish I could pet him. But I can’t. Because the dogs ended up dying. I cried, Alot. I mean every time I thought about dogs I thought of them and teared up. I have a problem.

There was another dog after Otto had died. I don’t remember it’s name but all I remember about that part was how it died. The owner was walking it around and the dog had gotten off of the leash and started to run. Like almost any dog would do. Well the dog ran into traffic and got hit by a car. The owner had ran over to see if the dog was okay. It was not okay. The owner scooped up the dog and started to run to the vet. But before the owner could get there the dog had died in her arms. I don’t know how she could deal with that happening. I can barely handle dogs dying in books or movies let alone having my dog die in my arms.

And it out the author has made more books about her other dogs. I have to read them even though I know the dogs are going to end up dying at the end and I won’t be able to handle it.

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