Tweak by Nic Sheff | Teen Ink

Tweak by Nic Sheff

May 3, 2016
By Anonymous

The book Tweak by Nic Sheff is a wild and riveting story about a man who is stuck in a downward spiral of crystal meth addiction. I didn’t think so much stuff could happen in one person's lifetime but name it and it probably has happened to Nic Sheff in this book. The book is a memoir about his life as an addict. He is 22 and has had so many experiences that when you read the memoir it is so difficult to put down. You always want to know what is going to happen next because you never know. Throughout the story Nic Sheff adapts to many new lifestyles and you can learn about each and everyone of them even though some are not the ideal life. He is always doing something different throughout the book whether it be getting clean or living homeless in the streets of L.A. I like this book because it can show you what it's like to be stuck in the downsprial of addiction and there's so much to read that you just can’t put it down. Besides being a hardcore addict, Nic Sheff is a great writer and proves it by the captures of memories and events in the book.

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