The Terror of Living by Urban Waite | Teen Ink

The Terror of Living by Urban Waite

May 3, 2016
By scout0827 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
scout0827 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found this book on sale at Barnes and Noble and thought it looked interesting. The description on the back lead me to believe that the book was fast-paced and that characters faced a lot of exciting and entertaining danger. Instead, I found most of the chapters to be slow and stagnant. Some of the chapters even seem irrelevant to the story line because they don't add to the character's back story or to the present situation in the book. Each chapter, the author changes his focus onto another character. I found this confusing at first and wish that the story would have followed only one story line. I also would have liked for the author to have included more background information about all three main characters. The author did include some information about the characters but more information about their lives prior to the events in the book would have enhanced the story. 

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