The Necklace | Teen Ink

The Necklace

March 6, 2009
By Anonymous

Matilda was born into a family that is rich. She had no dowry and she could not be adorned. She wishes she was hierarchy. She was unhappy and thinks about how it would feel to be rich. While eating with her husband, Matilda is wishing that there were better food; tablecloth and she wish to live a different way, then the life she's living. Later on in the story Matilda was invited to a big function. She started to cry because she had nothing to wear. She was disconsolate. A friend that she known was vey wealthy. Mme.Loisel was Matilda friend. Mme.Loisel was the prettiest of them all, she always smiling, and mad with joy. Later on she was bowering a superb necklace of diamonds to wear to the big function. As she got to the ball she felt wonderful, like her dreams came true and the way she supposed to be. As Matilda was enjoying herself, her husband was in a little anteroom were he was dozing off. As they were leaving they caught a cab and went home. As they got there, Matilda notice the necklace was gone. Her husband went back and starts looking for it. He came back about seven o'clock and found nothing. He told Matilda she should start writing her friend and tell her what happen to the necklace. Instead they took there time looking everywhere to find a necklace just to replace it. She finial found one that look just liked it. The price was forty thousand francs. They could have it for thirty-six. They begged the jeweler and he marked it down for them. As they got it they paid off there debt for ten years. She was living a harder life then she was. As she went back to give the necklace to Mme.Loisel. As she gave the necklace to her friend she Matilda told her what happen, about when they replace the one that she let her borrow. But Mme.Loisel was surprised she told Matilda that the necklace was fake.

The author's comments:
this article was pretty hard to write cause by the book with big vocabulary.


This article has 1 comment.

on May. 4 2009 at 3:49 pm
michele brock, Rochester, New York
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
great job