Twilight | Teen Ink


March 4, 2009
By Sarah Green BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
Sarah Green BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know when I hear about a book, the first thing I want to know is what it's about. The first thing I, and many others, was told when I asked what Twilight by Stephenie Meyer was about is, 'Oh, it's a story about vampires!' Vampires? Why on earth would I want to read a book about vampires?! Immediately, I was stereotyping them into what I assumed they would be like based on what Hollywood movies make them out to be: blood sucking, sleeping in coffins, garlic hating monsters with fangs. How is that fair? Once I began reading it, I found its instant appeal and how loveable the Cullens, that are vampires, are. They aren't your average vampires, and definitely aren't like what movies make them seem.
Twilight is the story of an ordinary teen named Bella who moves in with her dad in the small town of Forks, Washington and she notices a group of five beautiful teenagers, who happen to be adopted siblings. One in particular, Edward, catches her eye since he seems to be watching her. She soon finds out about his secret: the fact that he's a vampire and has a talent for hearing people's thoughts, with the exception of hers. As they begin to fall in love, they face another problem. The scent of her blood is harder to resist for him than anyone else's, making it harder for them to be around each other. His whole family is committed to not killing humans, and is what they would call 'vegetarian vampires,' by surviving instead on animal blood. They are kind people who contribute so much to society that Bella forgets the dangers of other vampires out there. Through this 'love story with a bite' comes true friendship, action, suspense, romance, and moments that will have you swooning as you rapidly flip the pages. Twilight truly is a story anyone can enjoy, as long as you give it a chance and don't judge a book by its cover' or its main characters. As soon as you get into the story, I guarantee that you will be thirsty, and also dying, for more.

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This article has 3 comments.

dbzfan13 said...
on Feb. 20 2010 at 12:38 pm
i already saw the movie so yeah even tanks 4 the over view of the book

on Oct. 2 2009 at 9:19 am
pictolover SILVER, Brookfield, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a roller coaster. When you don't know what to do buckle up, close your eyes, and enjoy the ride."

Great review. When my sister reccommended the book when it first came out, I didn't want to read a book about hollywood vampires. But then I read it and it gives you a whole new look on the people!

on Apr. 10 2009 at 3:47 pm
Emily Spak BRONZE, Easton, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Hehe nice :-)