Alligator Bayou by Donna Jo Napoli | Teen Ink

Alligator Bayou by Donna Jo Napoli

April 5, 2016
By lillianedwards BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
lillianedwards BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alligator Bayou by Donna Jo Napoli

The emotional and vivid novel, Alligator Bayou, explains the lives of Sicilian fourteen-year-old Calogero, his uncles, and cousins living in the small town of Tallulah, Louisiana in 1899. Some welcome new immigrants at this time; most do not. Facing the daily struggles of racism and discrimination of the south at this time, Calogero and his family try their best to stay close in order to strengthen each other.
As Calogero has a difficult time trying to adapt to his new surroundings, he is surprised by how many adventures take place around him including thrilling midnight alligator hunts. Along the way, he meets and develops strong feelings for Patricia, a headstrong African-American girl. However, interracial relationships at this time were viewed as inappropriate and Calogero already had enough problems of his own, so too much talk would spread bad news.
Some of the themes in Alligator Bayou are easy to identify, some require thinking. I believe that the two major themes in the novel are “family” and “identity.” The members of Calogero’s family are dependent on each other for support and hard work towards reaching their goal of freedom from unexception from society. At the same time, it is important that Calogero stays true to who he is and knows who he is so that he can make the best decisions. These themes are not only important in the stories we read, but also in our own daily lives. We all go through struggles, so we must learn how to face them.
Alligator Bayou is a historical, multicultural, and inspirational novel that will definitely have your emotions changing always. The struggles and pain meet the victories of success all throughout the story, leaving you on the edge of your seat. Donna Jo Napoli appears to have put an abundant amount of time and feeling into this interestingly written story from the old southern accents to the crisp Italian tones. When reading this novel, you can just imagine the beautiful city of Sicily and the natural landscapes of Tallulah.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys adventure, excitement, and intensity. Not only is Alligator Bayou an awesome read, but it will leave you with a different perspective on life and the lives of others. It truly is an inspiring novel for young adult to adult readers who want a challenge.
Life throws challenges at us all… how does Calogero and his family take them on?

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