Amistad Book Reveiw | Teen Ink

Amistad Book Reveiw

April 4, 2016
By ColeL BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
ColeL BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read the book Amistad by: Alexis Pate. I think the author’s purpose of this book is to give the reader a look through the eyes of some else that struggles with something you have likely never experienced. And the author does a great job of this.
It is a historic fiction book about a African man and his tribe, the book takes you through their capture and what they do to avoid being slaves. The main character in the book is Cinque. He was a farmer and considered a very brave man by his tribesmen. His tribe and a few others are captured by Spanish slave traders and are being brought to Spain for sale on a ship called the Amistad, but Cinque changes that. He leads a revolt against the ship’s crew and takes over the ship. When people hear about the “ghost ship” they are scared and the American Navy sets out to capture it. After the capture Cinque and his tribe are brought to the United States and imprisoned. And a freed slave helps them through a legal battle against the United States of America. The book Amistad has some lessons that still apply today. One is never give up. Cinque teaches the reader this through his actions and his perseverance to get back to his family in Africa. Another is that sometimes you have to be the one to step up and lead. Again Cinque teaches us this through his actions when he is on the Amistad and he steps up and leads the revolt.
Amistad is a great book but not my favorite. I would recommend it to readers who are interested in law and those who like short intense action. I think you should read this book because it gives you an experience you have likely never had. It also helps understand slavery and what it feels like to gain freedom. I think that as people we take freedom for granted and this book really is a eye opener and leaves you saying, “wow that must have sucked”. It is a must read and even if you are not into law you should read it for the experience. It is a very easy read and well put together you should really read it. If you read it you will never take freedom for granted again and will help you respect the African American people. Please read it!

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