Eragon by Christopher Paolini | Teen Ink

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

April 3, 2016
By nipkoguy BRONZE, West Jordan, Utah
nipkoguy BRONZE, West Jordan, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eragon, by Christopher Paolini, thrusts readers into a constant adventure across in an interesting world full of mysterious people and creatures. Eragon, the protagonist, lives on a farm, and finds a mysterious stone while hunting. This “stone” hatches a dragon, which are thought to be extinct, and starts him on a journey across the continent to get revenge on his uncle’s killers and avoid the evil king Galbatorix.
The new world Christopher Paolini creates is so complete, with entire histories,  languages, and geography that it immerses the reader in the story.
This novel is almost completely from Eragon’s point of view, so the reader only knows as much as he does, making the story very suspenseful. Especially the imagery stand out in this book. Every situation is explained, helping the reader experience the story. Additionally, the conflict is very well developed, and makes the reader constantly cheer on Eragon against the villainous Galbatorix and murderous Ra’zac.
Anyone who loves fantasy will be quickly engrossed in this epic story of a boy who becomes a Dragon Rider.

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