the rescue by Nicholas Edwards | Teen Ink

the rescue by Nicholas Edwards

April 1, 2016
By kyleigh BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
kyleigh BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Emma is a young girl who lives in a house close to the sea. Emma and her parents get into an argument over something she does. In order to cool herself off she goes for a walk down by the sea. Listening to the waves hit the rocks always seems to calm her down. On her walk by the shore she hears a whimper. She listens and just dismisses it. Well then she just keeps walking and hears it again. So she just wants to be safe and heads back to her house. The next day she goes out and walks she hears it again and follows her curiosity. She goes up to the rocks in the water and sees something lying there. She sees a dog that isn't doing well she makes her parents help her and get the dog to the house.
Emma makes the dog feel at home and takes care of him. Everything goes south though something goes wrong with the dog and she can not figure it out. They take the dog to the vet early in the morning where something happens that nobody can explain to anyone. They take the dog back home with them where emma cares for his wounds and feeds him.
Emma comes to the hardest part of the journey with the sick dog. Before that can happen her and her parents talk about keeping the dog. Her parents are hesitant at first and then something goes right for her. Her parents may or may not give in. Responsibilities come with having a dog. Feeding, walking, and more. They think maybe it will help her out. Maybe they will give in maybe they won't.
To anyone who is into a tear jerker this is a good book for you. Also if you are an animal lover i recommend this. It will give you many different emotions. I personally love this book and will read it over. This book i give  four stars. If you don’t like crying i recommend not reading. But if you're into the cute animal stuff READ. 

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