The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante | Teen Ink

The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante

April 1, 2016
By ellimueller BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
ellimueller BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  The Patron Saint of Butterflies by Cecilia Galante

In the book The Patron Saint of Butterflies there are two protagonists.   One of which is the complete opposite of the other. Although they are best friends there have been some things that have been causing them to drift farther and farther apart. They are both trying to change each other while attempting to obey the rules that their very religious community has set for them. After escaping the community with their grandmother, Honey, Agnes and Agnes’ brother begin to uncover some nasty secrets that cause them to try to begin a new future. But do all three of the kids want the same thing? The author Cecilia Galante does a fantastic job of showing what happens when two peoples thoughts collide, and how that impacts others. She also perfects the “edge of your seat” feel while reading this.
A good theme for this story would be how faith and beliefs can lead to betrayal.  The fact that the whole community is very religious, and exceedingly amazing at hiding things as well, is a prime reason why the theme goes from being faithful and ending in betrayal.
This book has taught me that things are not always as they may seem. We all grow up with our own morals and values, and whether we decide to form our own as we grow older is our choice. But we always need to be careful with who is changing our outlook on things. Are we being positively impacted or not? Why do we want to change and how will that affect us?  The Patron Saint of Butterflies has definitely made me ask myself these questions and given me a different perspective on certain aspects.
I feel like the author's main purpose in writing this was to show how hardship in the past can open one's eyes and lead to new opportunities and ways of life. I enjoyed this book because of it’s anticipation it had on me as a reader.  But it also pulled some heart strings as well.  So if you enjoy a book that will make you feel not just sympathetic but full of suspense then this is the book for you. I recommend reading this if you admire a good Nicholas Sparks book or even if you look forward to getting the same feeling as a James Bond movie. The Patron Saint will not just have you on the edge of your seat, but it will also have you wishing for more.


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