Call Me By My Name by John Ed Bradly | Teen Ink

Call Me By My Name by John Ed Bradly

April 1, 2016
By jaredbaumgartner BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
jaredbaumgartner BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It? 1965. Down south in Alabama, a huge change is in motion. It could change the lives of many people for many years to come. The change - racial equality. And this change was put into motion by one teenage kid named Rodney. A kid that didn't have any idea in the world that racial discrimination was going on in his town let alone the world. But one day when he is waiting to play baseball he takes a stand against this unjust way, he protects a black teen whom he had never seen before and stands up to his friends that were harassing the unfateful fellow. Not knowing what he had done on that day, he had made a new friend one that would impact his life forever. His name was Tatum Henry.

Call Me By My Name , by: John Ed Bradley has a many themes within the novel. One point is that everything in life isn't always fair is always present when reading. Obviously Tater Henry learned this because of the color of his skin, but so did Rodney. Another great theme comes as a question and it is: does the way you look on the outside really matter or is it more what you have on the inside? The only way to find out is to read the book.

This novel was surprisingly educational while still being fun to read. I learned what it was like to live in a time period when so much racism was around. It was a very cool and new experience. Reading this book made me appreciate the time period that I live in and the changes that have been made over the years. The perspective of this book is in the eyes of a white teenage boy, told in the past tense up until the last paragraph when he talks about his life now.

This book was addicting and appealing throughout the whole story. If I were to be completely honest, I have to say that I don't enjoy reading and because of this I never read but when I started this book I was sucked in right away and it made it really tough to put down. This book is a must read book no matter who you are an eager reader or one that dreads it like me. You can learn so many new things from this that you wouldn't otherwise learn.

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