The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian by Wade Sweeney | Teen Ink

The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian by Wade Sweeney

April 1, 2016
By wade10 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
wade10 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
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The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

The book The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is one of my favorite books of all time. It is funny, sad, and just fun to read. There are many characters in the book, Junior the main character , both Junior’s parents who help him get through school, Mr. P, who was his teacher at the rez, Rowdy, Junior's best friend, Mary, Junior’s big sister, and finally there is Penelope, Junior’s girlfriend. The story starts with a kid named Junior who lives on a reservation, is in class and he was super excited to get his textbook he opened it and saw his mom's name on it. So he threw his book and it hit his teacher Mr. P in the face. So he got suspended from school and when he was at home he heard someone knock on the door and it was Mr. P, Junior was so surprised. Mr.P came to tell Junior that he was concerned for him, he told him he would die with no purpose if he didn't leave rez. Junior wanted to have some purpose in this world, so he realized Mr.P was correct. So he had to choose between a new school or friends.
This is a multicultural book because there is an indian boy in an all white school. This book shows that no matter what race you are, you can accomplish anything even if you live in a reservation or in a poor community. Junior was bullied a lot because of his race and he also had many different mental disorders, but in the end he just kept on pushing and made it through the hardest time of his life. By doing that he made more friends and made his family very proud.This book can teach you to never give up, even in the darkest times you can always find light. I believe that is what the author is trying to tell the reader and I thought that that was really cool, that's what made the book better and more interesting. I think anyone above the age group of ten and up should read this book because it is a very inspirational book and it can teach you a lot about keeping friends and family close, and to try your hardest in school because not everyone has the privileges that we have.If you like funny, inspirational, or even just books to pass time I know this is the book for you.

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