Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom | Teen Ink

Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom

April 1, 2016
By AnnaLatimer BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
AnnaLatimer BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Parker Grant has lost so much in her life from the deaths of loved ones to the loss of her sight at a young age. Not wanting to be treated differently than an ordinary person, she devises a set of rules she expects people around her to follow. These rules include information about treating her as an equal, and her greatest rule, “There are NO second chances. Violate my trust and I'll never trust you again. Betrayal is unforgettable.” This rule is brought about because a boy named Scott Kilpatrick breaks her heart. However, after not encountering him for many years after the incident, he resurfaces. Because of the lack of trust for people that deceive her, Parker refuses to acknowledge him. This proves to be difficult because new information surfaces about the incident with Scott and the death of her father. Parker deals with the revelation that maybe the feelings she has had for so long are wrong. Parker must confront the topics of trust, forgiveness, and the difficulty of facing her own emotions.
The new perspective that is offered in this book is the ability to look inside the mind of not only a blind person, but a person who has lost so much in her short lifetime. Experiencing life through a blind person’s eyes takes the reader on a journey unfamiliar to them. It allows the reader to better understand the challenges a blind person goes through, but also the way they can be treated. It widens the view of the reader and gives them a new outlook, not only on how they treat others, but also how they treat themselves. The reader is also able to see the emotional toll death and betrayal can have on a person.
To me this book is a very engaging and compelling story. Parker Grant was a riveting and heart-felt main character that had me hooked in from the very beginning. Throughout the book, I had the opportunity to observe the development of Parker’s character and morals. The advancements that Parker makes kept me engaged and feeling as if I had evolved myself. Not If I See You First not only is a story that I believe is captivating and deserving of the attention of all readers, but I share an opinion with New york Times bestselling author Kody Keplinger. She states, “Not If I See You First is thoughtful and honest, with characters that made me laugh, cry, and surprised me at every turn. It's a book I'll recommend for years to come.” Having such a high recommendation from such an esteemed author is another reason Not If I See You First is a book worth reading.

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