Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie | Teen Ink

Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

April 1, 2016
By EricDawson BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
EricDawson BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Absolutely True Diary of A Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie            


Arnold Junior is an adolescent Native American boy that was born with a speech impediment and hydrocephalus which is too much fluid in the brain. He is not very good with words, so he expresses himself through illustrations. He lives on an Indian reservation with his poor parents and his older sister. He is very lonely and only has one friend, Rowdy. After getting suspended from his school he decides that he has no future at this place. Therefore, he moves to Reardon High School which has no racial diversity. He doesn’t fit in , gets called names, and is made fun of because of his race. He also is decent at basketball and plays on varsity for Reardon. His ultimate goal is to beat his old school’s team in basketball and make friends.
The theme is about being persistent and overcoming the obstacles that surrounds an individual. Life is tough and unfortunate things may happen, but people can conquer those things and flourish. This novel certainly conveys this message. Arnold Junior has to surmount many complications such as being an outcast in school and having many family crises. A few people died in his family and he will have to cope with that. This is book will impact you and show you that you can do anything no matter what stands in your way.
This book contrasts the difference between White and Native culture. This includes the living standards, the traditions, and the differences between the people. The main characters live in an Indian reservation, and he explains the struggles that he must deal with. He talks often about money and how poor his family along with the rest of the reservation. He then compares that to the kids at his school who are white and more privileged.
This book was one of my favorite books that I’ve read. I thought it was not only hilarious, but very relatable to my life. The cartoons that the protagonists draws are very clever and funny. The book is also easy to read. Most books have trouble holding on to my attention but this book was very unique and interesting. Since I am an awkward teenager just like Arnold, I can relate to the troubles that he faces. It is a solid book.
I would recommend this book for people at ages 14-18. I wouldn’t recommend it for younger kids because it can be pretty vulgar at times. This book would not be suitable for very serious readers because the language used is very improper. However, If you read casually and like to sit down and read a funny and easy book, I would certainly recommend this book if you like fiction. The theme is a very influential theme and could improve somebody’s life. It has inspired me and could certainly lift your spirits.

The author's comments:

Just a book review by a golfer.


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