The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B by Teresa Toten | Teen Ink

The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B by Teresa Toten

April 1, 2016
By michellemeyers122 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
michellemeyers122 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This story follows the life of Adam Spencer Ross, an almost fifteen year old with OCD. He has never thought of getting better, nonetheless falling in love. But he meets Robyn Isobel Plummer, the girl of his dreams, in his therapy group. To make things more fun Chuck, the therapy group leader, suggests they choose superhero names. Adam chooses Batman and Robyn chooses Robin. They both have OCD, Adam specializes in having to count everything not being able to go through thresholds. Adam dreams of getting better so he can be Robyn’s hero, the Batman to her Robin, but he finds himself only getting worse. It doesn’t help that his mother receives several mysterious threatening letters and refuses to ask anyone for help, and that his best friend moved across town. But he manages to make new friends, who support him and only wish the best for him.
This book taught me all about mental disorders and that there really isn’t a “standard” for any mental illness. I had always thought of OCD as the need for cleanliness. But I realize not that it could be having to do things in set patterns or having a specific ritual. It has also taught me how hard it could be to be cured. They talk a lot of overnight relapses and how common it is to be better for maybe a month and then go back to where you started. That seems a little scary to me honestly. Adam also talked of having books of breathing exercises and having to take a bunch of medicine. It is truly something I had never realized.
This is a book for anyone with patience really. It starts off kind of slow and Adam is really insecure about everything. But the story eventually picks up and he definitely matures and becomes rather confident with himself. So as long as you can stay with the book, it’ll take you through a roller coaster of emotions. One second you will be laughing along with Adam as he makes a self depreciating joke. Another second you’ll be liking Robyn more and more as she opens up or getting annoyed with Adam’s little brother as mocks him. This book gives you this big idea that Adam is going to save Robyn, but in the end it will leave you asking, who really saved who?

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