The Walk On by John Feinstein | Teen Ink

The Walk On by John Feinstein

April 1, 2016
By DylanSteiner BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
DylanSteiner BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My book is about this all star quarterback Matt Gordon, but he has some competition to worry about as the new football season is about to start. Jake Bilney a junior that is going to move up from the JV team and Alex Myers a freshmen, he is a new kid from a different school that has a chance at making the Varsity team and he has a lot of potential. Alex is the better quarterback than other guys but without hard work and determination he won't make become a starter. Alex has a lot of heart,  but he has to overcome the problems of his own. He doesn't think that any one likes him, but he then becomes best friends with the Matt and meets Jonas, the team's star wide receiver, that he becomes close with, and they do everything together.
The biggest problem that my character has to deal with is that he is not the son of the coach and he will have to work very hard to earn the respect from the coach and the other players to make the starter role his own. The other big problem in the story is that the team has a problem with the team of people that are in charge of the school newspaper, they are always trying to create more problems along with making the football team look very bad. Alex has to decide between the football team and the girl of his dreams, but she comes with a huge problem. Alex must decide to be with her at the time or to play football with his best friends that he could ever have.
The one thing that I learned from reading this story is that we need to have some self choice to make the decisions that are right. We also need to work hard at something that we need or want; we don’t just get it because we want it. Sometimes things come with a struggle or an interference as they come upon in our life and we can't let them get in our way. I liked this story because it relates to the life of a lot of people and can be a true story that teaches people that they need to work to get to the point that you want to dominate and do well. I recommend this book to anyone who is a huge football fan or that even likes anything about sports; this book also fits anyone that has a problem in life this book can relate to them.


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