Cujo. by Stephen King | Teen Ink

Cujo. by Stephen King

April 1, 2016
By lil.derkky BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
lil.derkky BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cujo is a book about a dog that rampages through a small town. It starts with a little kid named Tad that thought he saw monsters in his closet, his dad, Vic, showed him that there were no monsters in his closet, and that monsters don’t exist, but Tad still believes that there is a red-eyed monster in his closet, so to help him sleep at night Tad’s dad made these “Monster Words” to keep the monsters away. Tad’s parents Donna and Vic haven’t been getting along lately, Vic believes that Donna has another lover, Steve Kemp, and is having an affair. Donna had ended it with Steve, so Steve wrote a letter to Vic letting him know that there indeed was an affair. Vic and Roger, are struggling to keep their advertising business AdWorx from failing. Sharp Cereals, AdWorx biggest client, recently had a tainted batch of dye in their newest cereal that caused kids to bleed internally. Vic and Roger then go on a week long business trip to gather the information to fix the problem with the cereal dye, but the trip ends up to only be 4 days because Vic had found out about his wife's affair. Donna’s blue Pinto is having carburetor trouble, Vic wants Donna to take it to Joe Camber, but Vic forgot to schedule it before he left, so Donna has to decide whether or not to take it to the next town or take it to Camber even though she  can not get ahold of Camber, because he is dead. The Camber’s dog had got bitten by a rabid bat and then begins acting very strange and odd and becomes very aggressive, but his owners didn't realize it. Cujo then killed Joe Camber’s and Gary Pervier, as he turns into this monster he goes on a rampage on a small town, Cujo catches the mother and her son while they are going to the Camber’s house to fix their car, they run to their small car for protection from the beast. Cujo has trapped them in their car, waiting outside the door while they sit inside the car terrified or their lives, Donna then honks the horn to try and get the attention of Camber’s neighbor, Gary Pervier, unaware that Gary is dead. Donna thinks about trying to make it to the front porch before Cujo makes it there, she worries about what would happen to Tad in that time. Tad started having convulsions, Donna is scared for his life, Donna then grabs the broken bat she found and attacks Cujo until Cujo stops attacking her, she had killed Cujo and continued beating Cujo after he was dead. Vic then drives up and brings Tad out of the car then finding out that he had been dead for some time now.

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