Insignia by SJ Kincaid | Teen Ink

Insignia by SJ Kincaid

April 1, 2016
By d.scace2018 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
d.scace2018 BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Somebody may be me but they will have to bleed to do it." -Steve Prefontaine

Insignia By: SJ Kincaid
Ever wonder what WWIII would be like? What if it was battled in outer space with robots controlled by kids on Earth with neural processors in their heads? This scenario is explained by SJ Kincaid in her book Insignia. I loved this book because the way it hooks you in the the very beginning. I also liked all the action and the adventure that the characters had to go through. This book is futuristic but can still tie into today's world. The main character is a relatable boy who has been told he’s never going to be good at anything, but the one thing he is good at takes him to a whole new world and improves his life better than he could ever imagine. In the book the school that the characters go to is very futuristic but also in many ways like today; like there were bullies and computers; math, english, and gym class, but the futuristic thing about this school was the classes were very short and that all the homework and notes could be imported to the brain through a neural access port and into the neural processor for the next day's classes. In this book the author tries to teach us how tomorrow's world can be so much than today’s.
I would recommend this book to anybody who likes war, because of the fighting in space with ships, fighter jets, and robots fighting for land in space. I would also reccomend this book to anybody that like computers because in this book, computers are a huge deal, because of the neural processors and ports, coding to clear and add things into the brain, and the way they need to fix and program machines. Another person I would recommend this book to is to anybody who likes video games or virtual reality, because virtual reality or simulators are used for training all the kids that are training to be combatants, they use virtual reality to play video games, and they use virtual reality to just go somewhere new like in the future or into the past. The last person I would recommend this book to is anybody into science fiction, because of the futuristic battles, the computers and how advanced they could be in the future, and finally the way the video games are so much more futuristic than they are today.

The author's comments:

I am not a big reader but this book caught my eye and I couldnt put it down.

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