Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne | Teen Ink

Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne

March 14, 2016
By IYELLATTREES BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought you were fat and unattractive? In Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies, we meet a young girl who is struggling to achieve her weight loss goals. As the story unfolds, we all find something that we can relate to and feel a strong sense of value for both the mind and heart.
Celeste was a girl who always got bullied at school and could only rely on her one and only friend: Sandra. They did everything together until one strange day the most popular girl in school takes notice of Sandra. Getting caught up with all the attention, Sandra soon leaves Celeste all alone with billions of problems! Celeste has no idea what to do and she feels like the entire world is making fun of her. Even worse, her aunt signs her up for a modeling challenge for husky girls like her. To save herself from humiliation, Celeste decides to secretly launch Operation Skinny-Celeste, because, after all, a thin girl can’t be a fat model!
When you read some of what happens, you’ll never imagine how hard it was for Celeste to keep fighting towards her goal. I learned that if you fall behind, you should work harder than you did before. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds. Although many people didn’t support her along her journey, she didn’t give up and learned to focus on the problems of growing up, dealing with tough times, and the never-ending power of hope.
This is a funny and interesting novel that is great for teenage girls. With every sentence, I felt as if I was Celeste’s best friend and we were having a sister-to-sister chat. My favorite part of the book was when Celeste stood up to Lively and told her off. Lively was at complete lost for words and stormed off like a whiny two-year-old. This was when Celeste realized that it wasn’t a necessity to try to impress people and that she should just be herself. Celeste’s story reminds us of the importance of being yourself. You're okay. And it really doesn't matter what other people think.
After reading this book, this made me eternally grateful for who I am and reminded me to be thankful for all of my friends and family, no matter how wacky they may be. Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies impressed me with all of its sly humor, gorgeous writing, and heart-piercing wisdom. Through Celeste’s experience, others can learn that the most important thing in life is to approve of oneself and others will do exactly the same. If you ever feel like having a good laugh, this is the perfect book to do just that.

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