The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Wow, I actually like reading this book. In the book “The Sword of Summer” by Rick Riordan, The Genre in this book is fantasy. Today I will give you a summary, talking to you about the book, Why I like the book.
First, He writes this  with a first person P.O.V. This book is about a boy Magnus Chase that tends to get into a lot of trouble. After his mother passed away he had been living on the street. He always has to be one step in front of the police. One day he was tracked down by an uncle he has never seen   before. His uncle claims that his mother was a very dangerous woman. Magnus’s mother always told Magnus to stay away from this uncle. The Genre of this book is classified as Fantasy.
Next, The theme in this story would be to never give up. I think this would be the theme because Magnus Chase always tries his hardest in the book to stay alive on his own. Magnus Chase is homeless. In the Boston winter. Somebody should help that poor boy!”(Riordan, Page 2). This is an important part of the story because this shows how when Magnus Chase was 14 his mother passed away and he was homeless for the past two years. He has been strong and he has not given up on himself
Lastly, I liked this book because this book was funny and had a lot of figurative language. This book was awesome text, it states, “My day started out normal enough. I was sleeping on the sidewalk under a bridge in the Public Garden when a guy kicked me awake and said, ‘They’re after you.’
By the way, I’ve been homeless for the past two years.
Some of you may think, Aw, how sad. Others may think, Ha, ha, loser! But, if you saw me on the street, ninety-nine percent of you would walk right past like I’m invisible. You’d pray, Don’t let him ask me for money. You’d wonder if I’m older than I look, because surely a teenager wouldn’t be wrapped in a stinky old sleeping bag, stuck outside in the middle of action-packed.” (Riordan , 23)This is an important part of the story because he makes the book funny and it makes you want to read more.You might say, “Well I think it is boring.” I am not trying to say that this book is perfect and is for everyone. I am saying that the book was entertaining for me and might be entertaining for other readers.
To conclude, This is my book report on the book “The Sword of Summer”  by Rick Riordan. I think that this book is a good book and I hope you had fun reading my book report/review. Thank you all soo much.

The author's comments:

I did this for an 8th-grade homework assignment. 

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