The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

March 14, 2016
By Becky_Espinosa BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
Becky_Espinosa BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live simply, so others can simply live"

I believe everyone should read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It is a fictional story about two teenagers with cancer. These teens go through life changing events and are able to live through it.
The Fault in Our Stars is a story about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster, who has thyroid cancer and satellite colonies in her lungs. She is forced to go to a Support Group by her mother- who believes that Hazel is suffering depression because her lack of leaving the house, reading the same book on the continuation, and only talking to a mere 3 people- and meets a boy whom she falls in love with. The boy’s name was Augustus Waters, who had osteosarcoma and had one of his legs amputated. They both share a sarcastic wit and love of books and reading. When they score the invitation to meet a reserved author, they embark on an adventure of a lifetime. When reading The Fault in Our Stars you learn to live every day to the fullest no matter what kind of life you live. John Green displays this through word choice, figurative language, and building the climax on every word. The Fault in Our Stars is told from Hazel’s point of view and is set in Indianapolis, Indiana.
When I first opened The Fault in Our Stars, I didn’t think it would affect me in the way it did. I’d give it a 10 out of 10 because reading this book changed how I see the world. People who haven’t read the book haven’t experienced the beauty and cruelty of the world in writing. I keep this book close to my heart because of how it affected me personally.
John Green shows how scary cancer can be, but manages to make life fascinating and wondrous, even if the pain of cancer resides in it. I was left with not only tears but a new view of people and the world. You should read this book so that you can experience a new take on the world and how we impact it in our actions.

The author's comments:

I'm a thirteen-year-old wannabe author. I hope you all like it! 

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