The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

The book “The Hunger Games” is the first of 3 books from the series written by Suzanne Collins. This book will take you into the life of a brave girl in an intense battle of the fight to survive in the Hunger Games to remain victorious. It is such a great book, you will not want to put the book down. You will enjoy this drama, action,science fiction, and adventurous book. The book is about a volunteer to participate in the Hunger Games named Katniss Everdeen.
The protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, is a brave and talented girl at archery. She is a nominee for District 12. District 12 is where Katniss lives, it is controlled by the government of Panem.  She learned most of her fighting from her friend named Gale. Her younger sister, Prim, was called out to be forced into the Hunger Games.The Hunger Games is a free-for-all in the fight to survive in the arena in the capitol for victory. Katniss didn’t want her to participate in the Hunger Games so Katniss volunteered as tribute to be in the fight for victory. Peeta also volunteered for tribute. After they are ready, Katniss and Peeta are then taken to the capitol to train for “The Hunger Games.” In the Hunger Games, when someone dies, a cannon goes off to notify the players that someone died.Katniss’ trainer, Haymitch, is a winner of the Hunger Games. He first doesn’t believe that she isn’t ready to participate in the Hunger Games, but Katniss shows him that she can fight.
The Setting is in the capitol of North America of Panem. Being put in the Hunger Games is like being put in a death sentence. People didn’t like the rules that they were under. They were forced to be put under strict rules of the Panem government. The P.O.V is in first person. The story is told from Katniss, the main character of the series. The mood is a dark, mysterious, and mellow. It is mellow because there is a lot of deaths, and everyone is serious participating in the Hunger Games.
I personally enjoyed reading the book because it was interesting. I also read all of the other books which were even more intense.The author and writing in the story is mellow because there is no happiness in the Games, only if you are victorious in there. It is dark because people are dying. I enjoyed the powerful writing because of the grace notes and the similes, and transition words. I personally think that the author achieved the purpose of crafting their work.
In all, I enjoyed all of the books in the series. Katniss is a very strong fighter in the book and will fight til the end. She won’t give up easily. I think I would recommend this book if you enjoy being on the edge of your seat. There are many cliffhangers and there are many parts of the story that are thrilling. I want to inform the readers that if you like thrilling and dark stories, then this is the story for you. I would rate this book a solid 9. There was one part I didn’t like but you’re going to have to read the book to find out!

The author's comments:

 I enjoyed this book so much.

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