Matilda by Roald Dahl | Teen Ink

Matilda by Roald Dahl

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

¨Matilda¨, a fictional novel written by Roald Dahl, is a book that all children will enjoy. From the simple illustrations to the descriptive language, this story takes you with Matilda throughout her journeys. It instantly reminds you of your childhood when going to school was a whole other world.
In this book, Matilda is a 5-year-old girl who found her love of reading books at a very young age of 3 but as time went on, her knowledge grew more and more. Although, her parents are the polar opposite of their intelligent daughter. They see any type of education as a waste but praise watching on the telly and eating tv dinners. As a result of nonstop begging to go to school, her father finally enrolls her to Crunchem Hall Primary School. That's when the warm-hearted Miss.Honey is introduced to the story. She notices Matilda is obviously different from the other children. Another character is introduced, which is the menacing Ms. Trunchbull. She is the antagonist and hates children with a passion. Matilda must find a way how to cope with the stress of her arrogant parents. Also, including her tyrant principal, Ms. Trunchbull.
Roald Dahl likes to include lots of ironies, similes, and other figurative languages just to make the reader laugh and just enjoy reading. In addition, this book consists of children that are smarter than the clueless adults that supposedly rule them, but it turns out to be the opposite at the end. The way that Dahl uses odd words such as ¨blithering idiot¨ and ¨stagnant cesspool¨ to make Ms. Trunchbull come to reality is also another way the author keeps us glued to his novel.
In my opinion, I think ¨Matilda¨ is a book that anyone would love. Although this book might not be too suitable for an adult, any kid is guaranteed to like this novel. I would also like to add that Dahl has many other books such as the ¨BFG¨, ¨The Witches¨, ¨Charlie and the Chocolate Factory¨, and much more. His books are much similar to ¨Matilda¨ and use the same techniques of illustrations, which makes his novels unique, and the same type of word choices. If I had to pick between whether I like the movie or the book more, I would pick the movie since it is such a classic but the book is always as entertaining as the movie.
Overall, ¨Matilda¨, written by Roald Dahl, is a definitive children's book that will go straight into kids hearts. Furthermore, most children's stories always have a happy ending, including this one, which will make a kid remember this book for the rest of their lives. They will especially remember the message that this book provides us, which is that you should never underestimate a person's knowledge.


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