Sleeping Freshmen Never LIe by David Lubar | Teen Ink

Sleeping Freshmen Never LIe by David Lubar

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

The book, ‘’Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie’’, is a realistic-fiction novel that details  a high school freshmen’s adventures as he tries to survive high school. It is written by David Lubar, who uses techniques such as the first-person point of view, humor, and various allusions to literature. My opinion of the book is that it was a good book, as it was realistic and other readers can relate to this book in any way.

This book is about a high school freshmen, Scott Hudson, who struggles to find his social standing in his new school. He starts high school with his old grammar school friends, Kyle, Patrick, and Mitch. As the school year progresses, all of his friends leave their group of friends and join other people. Meanwhile, Scott is left all by himself and tries to find his place in high school. Scott also tries to get the attention of Julia, freshmen who he'd known since kindergarten. He goes for several activities, such as student council, the school newspaper, and the school play. However, Julia doesn't end up participating in any of these, and Scott ends ups being stuck in these active clubs. Scott meets new people, such as Wesley, an older student who drives him to school every day. Then Lee, a girl who shares the same common interests as him, but is different from other students.

David Lubar uses techniques to give his book feeling and life. The first technique is a first-person point of view, which describes every event in the book from Scott’s point of view. This is a good technique by Lubar as we can see everything through Scott's eyes, and sometimes can relate to him if the reader has been through high school before. Another technique used by Lubar is humor, which gives the book more emotion. This also gives readers something we all need when we need cheering up. The last technique is allusions, which refer to other works of literature that Scott reads. This shows the importance of knowledge, as many people may not realize the importance of reading literature and end up struggling with their lives later on.

In my opinion, I liked this book because it can be relatable and represents situations that can occur in real life. For example, going to a new school can be a struggle as you leave old friends and make new ones. Such as having a new sibling arriving in your family, which can come as a surprise. Another real life situation is when Mouth attempts to commit suicide, something that can certainly happen.

In conclusion, this book is a decent work of literature, that can be relatable, There are techniques such as the first-person point of view, humor, and allusions. Readers can relate to this book with the main character Scott, who struggles to find his social standing at school.

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