Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R.Tolkien | Teen Ink

Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R.Tolkien

March 2, 2016
By AbigailB SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
AbigailB SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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“I have something to do before the end and it lies ahead not in the Shire.” That is the
start to one of the biggest and greatest adventures ever told, or at least part of it. The
Fellowship of the Ring ?is my favorite book. It is the first book in the ?Lord of the Rings? series
written by J.R.R. Tolkin. Now the Fellowship is my all time favorite book the reasons for that are
that it is the beginning of the one of the greatest adventures ever told. Also, because of all
different races which are Hobbits, Dwarfs Elves, and Men and the detail that separates them. 
Fellowship of the Ring? is the beginning to a massive series and a very good start of a
series. The book starts with a really happy character that has no problems with life. Then
reluctantly  they have to go into a major world or adventure that the wanted no part in. The main
character, Frodo Baggins, is a hobbit. Hobbits are about 3 feet 5 inches tall, usually acquire
curly hair, and go without shoes due to the fact that their feet are immensely hairy and closely
resemble leather. Frodo lives in the Shire, which is a place with green rolling hills. Nothing much
happens to Hobbits as well as they don’t know much about the outside world. Frodo gets ahold
of the one ring. Which is a ring that the evil lord Sauron made that can make you invisible as
well and strengthen your ability to control other people. He makes a this ring in the land of
Mordor and so their it must be destroyed. In the first book I like reading Frodo’s understanding
of what will happen to him and goes to bark and evil places just the opposite of his quiet home.
The moment I realized that this adventure is going to be a great adventure is when they actually
create the fellowship.The fellowship is a huge cast of characters. There are four hobbits,
including  Frodo,  that are going with the fellowship. Their names are Merry, Pippin, and Sam.
Besides the four hobbits, there is also a dwarf named Gimli, two men named Aragorn and
Boromir, as well as an elf named Legolas, and lastly the wizard, Gandalf. With so many
characters, with a lot of ideas of what to do with the ring it ends up being enormous. The
fellowship travels for a long time together until tragedy strikes. Boromir, dies heroically
protecting Frodo. Merry and Pippin help him until they are captured by orcs, which are servants
of Sauron. Frodo and Sam travel to Mordor to destroy the one ring. The charters go different
directions we get to see each one of their stories in this great on and how it all pieces together.
The fellowship has so many races and it can hard in other books to tell the difference between
all of the but J.R.R. Tolkien does a really good job at using detail to separate each one of them. 
The race that is in mostly of the fellowship is hobbits. Hobbits are short creatures that
like to eat and stay home with family. They are all mainly farmers and gardeners.All their poems
and songs are about coming home, eating, and drinking. Another race is elves they live in the
trees that are very old. Elves are immortal and are also very good scalars so most of their
poems and songs ?are about the past. Men are one of the most representative in this book in
the fellowship but you don’t see where they live. There are two men in the fellowship one is
Aragorn he is supposed to the King of Gondor but is not. He cares a lot about doing the right
thing and not falling under the wrong power. Boromir, whose father is the steward is someone
who waits for the king to come, is set on getting the ring for himself, and for his country to prove
also himself to his father. Men are the easiest to relate to. One of the last races of in the
fellowship are dwarfs They are very predist and antisocial. Dwarves are miners and known for
loving gold more than humans.They are known for being very guff and it shows in their
architecture it is all sharp edges and lines. The last member of the fellowship is Gandalf the
Gray. He is a wizard but is most like the Elves. The Fellowship has several different races and
people each one  uniquely describe and distinguishes through extensive detail.
The amazing beginning with all of the different races are shown by amazing detail. The
Lord of the Rings is my favorite book for those reasons. “It would be the death of you to come
with me, Sam,..”From the excitement to leave the Shire to see different places and to the lean
new things that what he will do will eventually kill him. From  rolling hills to high ancient towering
trees and dark frigid halls,  trees and dark cold halls, this really is a great beginning.

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