The Book Thief | Teen Ink

The Book Thief

March 2, 2016
By JOHNCENA666 BRONZE, Francis, Utah
JOHNCENA666 BRONZE, Francis, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you want a book with great narration and excellent character development, read on. Today we will be reviewing the marvelous book known only as The Book Thief. This book follows the life of a young girl in Germany in World War II, through the perspective of our narrator, Death. Death tells us all about what happens in the world at that time, and what is happening to Liesel (the young girl).  We see the characters developing through Death affecting their lives. We also see the progression through the war through the character’s eyes. This is the main view of the book, other than the narrator, and it is a good perspective. Now let’s talk about what’s boss about this book.


One of the best things about this book is the narrator. The narrator is in fact Death. The book is mainly written from his perspective how he sees things. He also has a dark, but still super, humor. He describes people in a strange way, which is what’s so spankin’ good about him. He also talks about how he sometimes doesn’t care for his job of collecting souls of the dead, and that he is always busy, because of the war.  He also spends much of his time describing Liesel and her family, as this is an important part of the book.  He makes jokes about how war is in the manner of  having a boss always telling him to work better and faster, always saying “Get it done, get it done.”  (The Book Thief, page 309) Overall, his personality is pretty great, and we like that about him. Now, onto our final paragraph.

We liked this book overall.  It had a splendid plot full of highs and lows. We enjoyed the perspective of the book. Seeing what Death, the narrator, was seeing was interesting, to say the least.  People die in this book, as it takes place in World War Two, so it is not for the faint of heart. The book is well written as well, with the great personality of the narrator. We relish how this plays out through the book, as Death’s attitude slightly changes.  We do like this book, and if we were going to rate it out of ten, we would give it an 8.4.  In conclusion, this is an exceptional book, and we recommend reading it.

The author's comments:

Clever, edgy and original. we wrote dis

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