Seven Minutes in Heaven (The Lying Game #6) by Sara Shepard | Teen Ink

Seven Minutes in Heaven (The Lying Game #6) by Sara Shepard

January 19, 2016
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

Emma can feel the web of lies she made slowly suffocate her. She knows her time as Sutton is dying, and needs to find the killer fast. With the killer threatening her friends and family, he (or she) has struck again killing Nisha, in the hopes to get Emma to stop digging. Instead that fueled Emma to find the killer, before they could hurt anyone else she loved. 

Emma is running out of time as a hiker finds Sutton body, when he was on a hike. Thankfully the family believes it is Emma’s body, and is grieving for the granddaughter they couldn’t save. Emma knows her time as Sutton is ending, and has to do a mad rush on finding the facts of their newest suspect before her real identity is revealed. Then she has to live with the guilt of the fact she’s been lying to Sutton’s family and friends, and becomes the number one suspect in the trial. As doesn’t it seem right that the foster twin takes the life of the rich one, and then pretends to be her, in order to live happily ever after?

Sutton finally gets to see how her life ended on August 31st. For her that was one busy night, as she was with so many different people, and ended all those conversations badly. Yet the question for Sutton still remains: what will happen to her? She’s been tied to Emma by an invisible cord, as she had some “unfinished business”, but once the killer is reviled, then what? Does she stay with Emma, or goes to that golden mall in the sky? Sutton knows she’s been dead for a while, but it feels more and more real as her friends finally mourn her, and her funeral takes place. With an odd sense of peace Sutton has to come to terms with herself, as her time on Earth is done, and it is time to move on.

Sara Shepard has done an amazing job to finish this series. With the final suspect in the list, the killer is revealed and it is a shocker. Emma and Sutton finally get the happy ending they been aiming for, and even if Emma won’t be okay, she is still alive, and have a very bright future ahead of her. The writing is good (the same as the other books) and fast pace as it gave you the finally memory for Sutton, and then let Emma discover the killer. With a happy ending, Sara Shepard made sure to wrap up all lose ends and gave everyone what they deserved in the end. 

The author's comments:

The killer is close. 


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