Cast Two Shadows by Ann Rinaldi | Teen Ink

Cast Two Shadows by Ann Rinaldi

January 13, 2016
By Cam25Guy BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
Cam25Guy BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
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In the story Cast Two Shadows, by Ann Rinaldi the main character Caroline has her brother wounded and the British in her own home, she does not know what to do. Caroline is a half African American and half white girl who lived in South Carolina during the Revolution. Caroline has to make difficult choices like becoming a rebel, not denying her heritage, giving up her horse and burning down her own home. Throughout the story Caroline discovers that to truly be free, she must make choices outside of your comfort zone.

Caroline made many choices outside of her comfort zone, two of which were to become a rebel and to tell the truth to people about Miz Melindy being her grandmother. Going along with the theme of making tough decisions, Caroline has to make the decision of being a rebel or staying a loyalist, “And if that meant I was a rebel, so be it.” (64) At this point in the story Caroline was changing because she had to make the choice of whether to become a loyalist or rebel. She had to embrace the consequences of becoming a rebel and choose a side of a choice that splits her family apart. Another difficult choice made by Caroline was whether to deny Miz Melindy as her grandmother, or embrace it, “No more would I deny to anyone that Miz Melindy was my grandmother.” (106) Even though Caroline realized there were many consequences to embracing Miz Melindy as her grandmother, Caroline did it anyway because she knew it was the right thing to do and she no longer wanted to deny herself of the truth. These decisions really help move along the story and move Caroline personality forward. Both of these choices were outside of Caroline's comfort zone but she made them anyway because she knew it was the true choice that she believed in.

Caroline made another major choice for the good Isom to give up Fearnought so he would not be whipped. “I know where the horse is, I will tell you.” (242) Caroline decided to give up her horse that she loved and cherished just so Isom would not be whipped. Even though Isom was willing to take the whipping Caroline did not let that happen, “Doan do it Miz Caroline.” (242) She made this really difficult choice that was definitely out of her comfort zone but she made it for the good of Isom.

When Caroline was leaving her home because it was going to be burned by the British so she decided to burn down her own home. “I wish I had the gratification of him knowing that I set the fire on purpose.” (257) This must have been a hard choice for Caroline but she did it because if her home was going to be destroyed, she would want to be the one who caused it. Caroline also was not very decisive about whether or not she wanted to burn it once it was time to shoot the arrow. “I have never been so sure of anything in my life.” (254)  Caroline was sure that she wanted to burn down her own home. Caroline made this difficult decision just so she could be free.

Caroline realizes throughout the book if she wants to be free, she is going to have to make choices outside of her comfort zone and these choices have shown that. From becoming a rebel to burning down her own house, Caroline made many choices outside of her comfort zone. This novel will most likely make the readers understand how hard it was for people in the revolution. It would be recommended that people read this because it can really show a lot about what it was like back in the revolution.

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