I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga | Teen Ink

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

January 8, 2016
By Nicholas2921 BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
Nicholas2921 BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Hunt Killers is about a boy named Jasper (nickname Jazz) Dent, whose father is the world’s most infamous serial killers. Due to this fact, not many people like or trust Jazz, but he wants to prove that he is not the killer like his dad was. When a body turns up in Jazz’s home town, he is sure that it is the work of a serial killer. When more people start getting killed, Jazz helps the police to try and catch the killer to prove that he is not going to follow in his dad’s footsteps.
I liked the plot, the moments when something unexpected happened, and the overall mystery of the book, but did not like the blood and gore of it. It was very interesting to read about how Jazz knew what the killer might be thinking from his experiences with his dad. He was also able to figure out the killer’s pattern of killing people was. The killer also ends up being someone that Jazz did not expect. A few moments in the book did get a little gorey and inappropriate though. A few crime scenes are explained in great detail
Even though the plot was good, I found that the cons balanced out the the pros. I would not suggest this book to anyone who can not stomach things like blood. However, if you can get past the blood and gore, I think you will enjoy the book.

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on Jan. 14 2016 at 2:18 pm
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You won't even know you've crossed the line until it's way back in your rearview mirror.”
― Barry Lyga, I Hunt Killers

@Nicholas2921 This book was awesome! The gore was nothing compared to the second book, 'Game.'