Girl, Stolen by April Henry | Teen Ink

Girl, Stolen by April Henry

January 8, 2016
By aaloia BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
aaloia BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Times up, evaporate" - Dance Academy

Being stolen or kidnapped is a very scary thought. Now just imagine being blind and having pneumonia; well this is 16 year-old Cheyenne Wilder’s life. This guy Griffin stole the car with Cheyenne in it, while her mom went into the drug store to get medicine for Cheyenne’s pneumonia. Griffin took her to a house far away from civilization. His dad, Tj, and Jimbo were all really mean to Cheyenne. For example, they wouldn’t get her the medicine she needed and at one point they were planning on killing her. Griffin on the other hand, was really nice to her throughout the entire book because he was going to help her escape, he slept next to her to comfort her, and would talk to her, so she wouldn’t feel lonely. Griffin’s dad was really hard on Griffin, so if Cheyenne escaped he might kill Griffin and Cheyenne. Cheyenne makes an escape plan and Griffin ends up getting hurt, but she continues on with the plan and eventually Griffin finds her in the woods and helps her get to safety. A few things go wrong along the way. This isn’t quite the end, but you will have to read the rest of the book to find if Cheyenne makes it to safety and if Griffin gets away from his dad, Tj, and Jimbo.

After reading Girl, Stolen, I would definitely recommend this book to someone who loves action and adventure because this book is packed with it. One point is slow and then the next moment has a lot of action. Some parts are completely predictable and other parts are not predictable at all. For example, Cheyenne and Griffin were trying to get through the woods to get themselves to safety before his dad, Tj, or Jimbo catch them. Also, when Cheyenne tries to escape the first time, which didn’t work at all.
Also, if you are looking for a book with a very little bit of romance this is the right book too, because Griffin and Cheyenne show some chemistry together while talking to each other about their life. They understood each other’s story. The only I did not like was the ending; it felt the author had no other thoughts so he came up with the first thing that came to mind.

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