I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga | Teen Ink

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

January 7, 2016
By erikawest5 BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
erikawest5 BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Upon reading the back cover of the book I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga I was instantly intrigued. “It was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful field. Except for the body.” When I read this I was taken aback. The description of the book started out so welcoming, but in only one sentence it took a turn for the worse. Is this body one that was found by the person that hunts the killers, or by the killer itself? I continued to read the back cover and wondered if Jazz, the “son of the world’s most infamous serial killer” was the one who hunts the killers. Isn’t that ironic? The son of serial killer is hunting serial killers. This made me wonder, what made him not follow in his father’s footsteps? All these questions were answered as I read this outstanding book.

The main character in the book is Jasper “Jazz” Dent. Jazz is not brought up as normal teenagers usually are. His father Billy Dent is the world’s most wanted serial killer. Jazz was brought up thinking killing is okay. He was taught the tips and tricks to covering up your murders. Jazz was trained to think, look, and act like a serial killer. Once Jazz is old enough to distinguish wrong from right, does he continue on his path the becoming a serial killer, or does he throw it all away to have a normal life.

This story was definitely one of my favorite mystery books I have ever read. It shows in detail Jazz’s internal conflict between taking the path his father cut out for him or going behind everything he’s ever known by becoming a normal teenager. This novel keeps on the edge of your seat with it’s cliffhangers, dramatic irony, and extreme suspense at every turn. Take time to read this fantastic novel by Barry Lyga!

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