The Cellar by Natasha Preston | Teen Ink

The Cellar by Natasha Preston

January 6, 2016
By Sydneyy19 BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
Sydneyy19 BRONZE, Branchburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What would you do if everything you had was taken away and you were brought to have yet another life,family somewhere where no one could find you? The Cellar by Natasha Preston is a series of events where Summer a teenage girl who had an almost perfect life with a boyfriend and a family who all cared a lot about her is one night taken to find herself getting into a situation that was very unexpected. Summer is now trapped in a Cellar with three other girls,there kidnapper is violent, and all she wants to do is get out...Will she?

I really enjoyed this book mostly because I’ve never read anything like this before.My favorite thing was how the autor let us see the story from characters different point of views.This story was very suspensesful and ever page you read makes you want to read more.I recomend this book if you like suspese, action, and mystery.

The author's comments:

Becasuse this book was good and others should read it.

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