Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson

January 6, 2016
By Anonymous

If you want a book that will keep your eyes glued to the pages and will send a shiver down your spine, then Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson is the book for you.

Tandy Angel wakes up one night to police knocking at her door. They got a call that her parents, Malcolm and Maud, had been murdered in their own home. The police want to solve the mystery uninterrupted, but Tandy is determined to do it on her own. The Angels were a very wealthy family since Malcolm owned a huge Pharmaceutical company. They lived in a huge, secure apartment. There was no way for an intruder to get in, so the killer was someone living there, either their mom’s assistant, one of Tandy’s brother’s, or Tandy. Tandy doesn’t know who she can trust and if she can ever trust herself. There are many holes in her memory from years on therapy and she doesn’t know who she really is anymore. So, Tandy decides to investigate what really happened to her family and she finds much more than she ever expected to.

The style of writing that Patterson uses is extremely suspenseful and draws you into the story. Just when you think Tandy figured something out, two more mysteries appear. The story switches around from the present to the past. In the present Tandy will be just about to figure something out, then you flip the page and you hear about one of her memories instead. You get little bits of information at a time and it really gets you into the story. So, if a suspenseful mystery is what you are looking for, read this book!

The author's comments:

My name is Hope T. I wanted to write this review because I reall liked this book. I usually don't like scary murder books, but this book was actually very enjoyable to read and I hope that others would agree.

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