An Abundance of Katherines by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

December 17, 2015
By DanaeB SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
DanaeB SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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Have you ever had to stop reading a book, because it was just that bad? Literally, just closed the book and threw it away? Yeah, that was me with An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. It was so dull in comparison with his other works. The Fault in Our Stars was an A++, should of won a grammy, excellent book. But An Abundance of Katherines was not even worthy of my local dumpster.
First of all, I didn’t make it through this book because it was that bad. But from what I read, it was about a boy, Colin, who went on a road trip, after his girlfriend dumped him. Oh yeah, and every girl he dated had to be named Katherine. Talk about shallow lowlife. Colin had just made it to the middle of nowhere and met some girl named Lindsay he wanted to date (which was a big deal because her name wasn’t Katherine!) but, she ever so conveniently had a boyfriend. Oh yeah, didn't see that one coming. That was when I stopped, and let me tell you something. I ALWAYS finish a book. I can’t just stop reading a book, because I will continuously wonder what happened. But not with this book, oh no. I dropped it like a promise ring after a bad break up.
I would never recommend anyone reads this book. Unless you're into shallow boys who only date certain girls. It’s a book more for the type of person who's into stereotypical romantic, realistic fiction. It’s not a particularly fun book, and there aren’t many exciting things that happen. I would give this book 2 out of 10 stars. John Green does have some beautiful writing, with great word choices. But sadly, the plot was worse than burnt cookies with sour milk.

The author's comments:

Now, I wanna let everyone know that I do love John Green. Just not this book.


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