The Girl who was Supposed to Die by April Henry | Teen Ink

The Girl who was Supposed to Die by April Henry

December 17, 2015
By Allexx BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
Allexx BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Girl who was Supposed to Die  by: April Henry

     The Girl who was Supposed to Die is a thrilling story about two teenagers (a girl name Cady and a boy named Ty) and how they will escape from the people who want to kill Cady and the people who are framing her. This book is amazing. It is filled with action, adventure, family, and of course, love.
     April Henry has won awards or this book including YALSA Quick Pick YALSA Teens Top 10 Finalist, Scholastic bestseller, and International Reading Association's Young Adult Choice's list. She has written other amazing books such as: the Girl I Used to be, Blood will tell, The Body in the Woods, Girl, Stolen, and more. Henry first wrote  a story that ended up being published when she was 12; it was in an international children's magazine she has published 19 books. April Henry is an amazing author. She uses vivid details that make the story come to life: “my pinkie and ring finger throb with every beat of my heart. The pain is sharp and red."
     The Girl who was Supposed to Die is about a girl named Cady and what happens when she wakes up in a cabin with no memory of her past. All she knows is that she is in pain. There are two men at the cabin who are seen as threats, and she has to figure a way out of the situation. On her adventure she meets a boy named Ty who will go with her through the journey no matter what it takes. If they live or if they die, or if she never gets her memory back, no matter if what happens is real or fake, he will be there. Cady will have to figure out everything with her new friend before it is too late. 
    I definitely recommend this book. I would rate it at 5 stars because it is original and the characters have real feelings and they could be real people. This book is also really good because it is not as predictable as a lot of books and it gives you details that help you read in between the lines and put new perspectives that you can relate to. Overall this book was amazing, and I recommend it to everyone because it can go under many different genres which is really cool so I hope everyone reads this book.

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on Dec. 19 2015 at 6:50 pm
WeirdosUnite GOLD, Prairie Farm, Wisconsin
10 articles 5 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Give me your hands if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends"~Puck, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Nice job! You're talented:)