Generation Me | Teen Ink

Generation Me

February 10, 2009
By Kevin Modisette BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Kevin Modisette BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Each Generation has a title that describes them, and throughout the years each generation has become more and more individualistic. Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D. has come up with the perfect title for the generation of people born in the late 70's to the early 90's, and that is GenerationMe. As a psychiatrist, Twenge eposes the self-centered and narcissistic ways of the generation, thereby validating the title GenerationMe. Just the quote on the front cover, 'Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled- and More Miserable than Ever Before' explains the entire premise of the book.

The book is not a narrative story, but it does retain the reader's interest by having each chapter connect and lead to the next. Each chapter explains the quote on the front cover; it starts off explaining why the generation is so cynical and self-centered. Then the book leads into explaining how the huge expectations that the generation held for themselves has lead into depression of not being able to reach their goals. Twenge really exposed the problems of GenerationMe, and how 'they fixates on self-esteem, and unthinkingly build narcissism, because they believe that the needs of the individual are paramount.' (71). Most people in my generation would deny the arguments she makes in the book, but the great amount of facts and real life anecdotes are undeniable, and really leave any person who reads this book thinking. I was able to connect to this book by finding the cynical and narcissistic ways of my peers and even myself. I see a lack for respect of authority everyday in my English classroom, with people just randomly yelling, and throwing stuff all over the room, sometimes it can be a madhouse in there, especially when you go over a test. Everyone thinks that every question on an English is up for discussion and should be changed in their answer, which is exactly shows how today's generation are so fixated on themselves that they can't believe what we put on the test is incorrect, so it must be the answer we choose.

'So here's how it looks: Generation Me has the highest self-esteem of any generation, but also more depression. We are more free and equal, but more cynical. We expect to follow our dreams, but are anxious about making is happen' basically explains the entire book (212). Overall Twenge shows the darker side of the GenerationMe, and how the expectations that it holds for the most part can not be succeeded. This explains why 'More and more young people are going to find themselves at 30 without a viable career, a house, or any semblance of stability.' (83). She does not hold the people of GenerationMe to the entire blame, as the baby boomer generation hold some blame due to their need to raise their kids on a basis of self-esteem and the common phrase, 'You can be whatever you want to be.' Even though this book can be a downer by showing all of the problems with the generation, the end shows some optimism by saying all that GenerationMe needs is 'realistic expectations, careful career guidance, and assistance when we become parents.' It shows the author is not just ranting about the problems of the generation, but that she is more concerned with the problems that could occur from the generation's actions.


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