Freakonomics | Teen Ink


February 9, 2009
By Colin Bindner BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Colin Bindner BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


From the very beginning, the novel Freakonomics offers readers a whole new experience regarding the concept of economics. This novel is not boring as most people perceive the topic of economics to be; in fact, Freakonomics is able to explain the idea of incentives and how people get what they want in a way that is appealing to everyone. Authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner explore 'the hidden side of everything' and bring up the relationship between topics that have never before been studied. The experience that this book provides is unlike any other book. Freakonomics is as unique a book as there is and it is a must read for any reader willing to take a look at the hidden side of life.
Through fact-filled pages, the authors show the correlation between various subjects such as sumo wrestlers and teachers, and abortion and crime rate. The book is certainly not a bore, as the information is fascinating and really gets the reader to examine deeper into things. At first, the topics seemingly have very little to do with each other. But with statistical analysis and years of study, Levitt and Dubner give the reader evidence to back up their correlation between these various topics. In no way do Levitt or Dubner ever seem superior as they present this unconventional wisdom. The facts are simply presented with their occasional witty commentary. The novel itself is a very quick read and almost seems a little too short. The knowledge gained from this novel stays with the reader however, and will have them questioning why things are they way they are for a long time.
There is no one unifying theme to this novel, an idea that the authors frequently stress. The chapters do explain the idea of incentives and how people get what they want, but they are not all needed to understand the basis of the novel. Even when the authors show conclusion from data, it still allows the reader to disagree if they feel the need to. There are many concepts that can be taken out of this novel. The purpose of this novel is to open up the eyes of the reader. Each chapter supports this notion and by providing such interesting concepts that one would never think of. The novel creates a flurry of various questions and no topic seems off limits to think about. Freakonomics is a book that should be read by anyone willing to look at the deeper side of how things work. Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner do a phenomenal job of creating a one of a kind book that uncovers concepts that have never been discussed before.


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