Mother Warrior | Teen Ink

Mother Warrior

February 9, 2009
By Kelly Brennan BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Kelly Brennan BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The novel Mother Warriors by Jenny McCarthy seemed at first to be just a boring book that was going to only be a story about autism in an uninteresting way. I thought it would also be completely biased. In reality the author stated the facts through out, but with humor and whit. Jenny McCarthy started off by telling her experiences with autism and her son, Evan. She wrote about how he only changed after the vaccines and how not a single doctor would believe her. This moment was really hard for her so she started to research. Other parents of autistic children were also not being heard around the country, but they did not have the power to speak up about it.

The second part of the novel is their stories. These women had to sacrifice marriages, relationships, and had to completely stop their own lives to keep their children from going over the deep end in autism. These mother warriors are able to tell their stories here and make this book very well rounded and unbiased. These stories made the book a little emotional, but it also brought in a few ways to help autistic children.

This book is full of hope for parents of autistic children and informative for everyone who does not. This novel really keeps you at the edge of your seat; you find yourself wanting to help these children and even rooting for them sometimes. Mothers around the world have been trying to voice their pain, but without this opportunity was not always able to. This novel needs to be read by people and autism needs to be given a voice. Read this and choose how you feel about the causes of autism.

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