Traffic | Teen Ink


February 8, 2009
By Zak Wilson BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Zak Wilson BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The one question I found my self asking a question after I read Traffic, and that was,' What kind of merger am I?' Tom Vanderbilt's Traffic is a nonfiction book that begins with the question ,'Why does the other lane always seem to be moving faster?' (Vanderbilt 1). This is the basic issue that most drivers face these days. This book not only helps solve our number one driving question, but it also talks about other aspects of driving that we look at. The book seems like it would be fun to read, but don't expect to finish it in one sitting. At times the book seems to drag on without a sign of a chapter ending. The fault isn't the sentence structure because Vanderbilt uses his words very well, actually to the point where he makes valid points. The issue lies within his over use of the same topic within the small segments located in chapters. Once he makes one point, he's quick to use supporting facts. This is very good because it actually sucks you into the facts surrounding driving. However, he will then latter restate the fact after a few minuets. After reading about the same idea over and over again, the book becomes a chore to read.

Although the book is a chore at times, I love how he writes his book. All of the chapters cover a different topic in the world of Traffic. This to me is the best aspect of the book because you can choose to read the chapters in any order you see fit. It doesn't really matter where you start because it all ends up with an epilogue for the final chapter. The one chapter that really stood out was chapter 2, 'Why you're not as good a driver as you think you are.' (Vanderbilt 51). This chapter does talk about how we become another person behind the wheel in our car. We all believe that we are good drivers, this all but a persona that we dawn so we don't admit our faults. He discusses the DriveCam, the small camera that is installed into your dashboard, and how this little device reviles the small quirks in our driving. After reading about the DriveCam, I realized that I've got the same quirks that could endanger my driving!

The Book is at times fun to read, and the information is really informative. If some of the facts weren't beaten like a dead horse, I would have enjoyed the book more. If you're a fan of nonfiction books, or if you want a rude awakening in the world of driving, then check out Traffic.

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