Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 4, 2015
By Mr.Martinez21 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Mr.Martinez21 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just do it"

    Suffering for love is the worst. Especially when they are brained wash to forget all those cherished moment they had shared with you, Well that’s what happens to Katniss in  The Hunger games. The Hunger Games starts off really weird and that's  because as soon as you start to read it is in a underground organization. They have Peeta in a hospital bed because he had been brainwashed by president snow. So there was some conflict to start off between Peeta and Katniss. After that happened they were at war with the other districts do to snow putting bad thoughts into peoples heads. They needed to come up with a plot to take over district 2 because they need the district 2 to be able to get closer to president snow. There was a lot to the story much information was added to this part of the book which made it better for me a drew me in more and more as I continued to read. The main moral of this was to show that Snow was a bad man misleading all the people that he had before him. 
     As this read was good it was also interesting because the two people that were by each others side willing to die for one another , but now do to snows actions they are both tempted to kill one another , well Katniss would only do it for her own safety.Overall this was a very fun read, had or provided a lot of information and details. Liked how they tied some action into each part of  the book. Never really a dole moment in the book always on the edge of my seat.  The way that they had the book set up to where it started off with action in between there was little sections with just calm relaxed scenes . 
     Each chapter drawing you in more and more with such good detail. Continuing through the read it has you mysterious with what drastic event is going to happen next. Which for those they didn't put to many of those in the book. The amount of action they put in this final book was just amazing , so much going on during the book each  chapter with many events occurring in each chapter. So many different emotions through out the book making you feel more a connection of being there. 
   Surely, one of the best reads out there, this book holds all the things a reader is looking for. This read is definitely for everyone and can have you urging for the  next book hoping they have another copy soon. Fulfills your thrill for adventure and action , makes you want more and never want to stop reading. You really get lost in the book as if you were in it. Never thought love and war could be combined so well. Good for all ages looking for a fun love/action book seeking  both of those perfect read for you.

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