Switched by Sienna Mercer | Teen Ink

Switched by Sienna Mercer

December 4, 2015
By JuditAnahi BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
JuditAnahi BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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Have you ever read a book where things seem impossible to happen in real life? Will the book Switched by Sienna Mercer is the one.  It talks about two girls who later come to relies that they are twin sisters. Their names are Olivia Abbott and Ivy Vega. This story is also about how some friendships are complicated and at the end it turns out fine. It teaches us about lessons that are put in our way. This book is also kind of confusing as you read it.
Switched can relate to lots of people. It can mostly relate to someone that has a twin or sibling. Although this book does not relate to me as much although it would related in some sort of way. When started reading Switched it seemed interesting because it talked about two different people that looked the same but thought different.  It also was interesting because its conflict was when they didn’t know how to spend time together or do anything. Also because the two characters switched roles to learn each other’s life.
Most people read books for information or because they are board. But this book can help people mostly students to figure out their life's. It is a book that has lessons for students in middle school and high school base on life. It can help people who see the world as a boring place to see it as a place they can do something in it. The comparisons of lie to this boo aren't exactly the same. When you start reading the book and you get to the part where the twins relies that they are sisters you think it’s almost impossible. This is what this book has it has the power to get you to think things that are not possible. Then at the end you relies that the book was right.
I recommend this book to people who have siblings and want to know how to bond with them. This is because it tells you how two sisters where strangers but figure out a way how to bond. They did have complications but they were resolved. It can also help kids who have constant problems with their brothers and sisters. This book can also help people who have problems with cousins. But on the other hand this book is grate to read whenever you are bored or just want to read a book.

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