A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard | Teen Ink

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

November 22, 2015
By Anonymous

Could you imagine missing eighteen years of your life? Not getting to experience your first day of high school, senior prom and high school graduation. Could you imagine having your first child at fourteen years old? And then another one at seventeen? These things all happened to Jaycee Dugard, the author of A Stolen Life. Jaycee was kidnapped by Phillip Garrido when she was only eleven years old. She was locked up in Phillip’s backyard where she would stay for eighteen years. Philip repeatedly raped Jaycee and convinced her it was unsafe to leave causing her to never try to escape. In this memoir, you will get to feel what Jaycee felt when she was locked away and also her thoughts today after she had settled back into her “normal” life.

Jaycee Dugard did a great job in writing this memoir, A Stolen Life. She let us experience what she felt when she was locked away in Phillip’s backyard. The book was a page turner! Except, the ending wasn’t as good as the rest of the book. The whole book was about her feelings when she was kidnapped and abused but towards the end after she had been found and reunited with her mom she wrote about her everyday life. Jaycee was probably just so excited that she had her normal life back, it just wasn’t as exciting for the reader to read about.

Jaycee used a lot of imagery in her memoir. She made the reader feel like she was actually with her when she was kidnapped. For example, Jaycee uses a lot of sensory details to describe how she felt when was taken by Phillip. She describes everything in that moment, “I hear two voices,” and “I feel as if my skin is burning.” She not only describes what she feels, but she also lets the reader feel how she felt-- confused-- and not knowing what was going on. “The blanket is finally pulled from my face and I can see the person that was in the backseat is now in the front, but I can’t see a face; it’s not someone big, so it could be a woman.” Jaycee kept the reader guessing which made this book a page turner!

I give Jaycee Dugard’s memoir A Stolen Life, a four out of five stars. It is an excellent read for younger adults and adults. Most people have heard Jaycee’s story on the news, but this book lets you step in Jaycee’s shoes and see what it was really like to be taken for eighteen years.

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