Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton | Teen Ink

Rumble Fish by S.E. Hinton

November 14, 2015
By HanfromGuam BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
HanfromGuam BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

S.E Hinton, bestselling author of The Outsiders, writes Rumble Fish, which was an amusing novel to read. It was a roller coaster ride consisting of fights, betrayal, love, and death. The conflict that rose is very relatable and tragic that struck my heart.Rusty-James and his brother, Motorcyle Boy, comes from an unfortunate family with his dad being a failed lawyer and his mom who ran off with a painter. His dad now a drunk takes care of the two brothers. Rusty-James aspires to be like Motorcycle Boy, but one thing he does different is he depends on his fists more than his brain, which causes some people to take advantage of him, but his brother is always there to save the day. His world falls apart when this time his brother is now there to save pick up the pieces.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write a review about this book was the heart-felt sympathy I had for Rusty-James. I wanted to share with everybody the love I have for the book and how good of an author S.E. Hinton is. 

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